Break such a wall to let in light, move a particular partition to promote circulation... I am at your side to imagine the best way to organize your interior.
Plan your interior design project according to your needs, tastes and budget,
Re-think volumes and structure space,
Select and reference fittings, fixtures and equipment as well as colors,
Get detailed quotes and select the apropriate contractors,
Coordinate and monitor execution.
S p a c e P l a n n i n g

Steps :
Present you 2 design projects,,
Carry out sketches, 2D and 3D plans, as well as elevations for a better understanding and interpretation of the project,
Develop the description of the work for the service providers (contractor, kitchen designer, etc.),
Deliver your project on time.

Sandrine & Frédéric - Paris XVI
Space Planning Fees
1st appointment: 100€/hour (deducted from the signed quotation)
Fees for consulting services are calculated according to the surface to be planned*:
• 60€ / sqft (surface is < 500 sqft)
• 50€ / sqft (surface is between 500 & 1,600 sqft)
• 40€ / sqft (surface is > 1,600 sqft)
Fees for consulting and aesthetic project management are calculated as a percentage on the total remodeling budget:
• less than 50K€: 15% of of the contractor's invoice
• from 50K€ to 100K€: 13% of the contractor's invoice
• more than 100K€: 11% of the contractor's invoice
* excluding the drawing up of plans, which are quoted separately.